Kraków Kotlin User Group #2
Talk #1: Could Gradle be statically-typed? Meet build.gradle.kts
by Tomasz Godzik
In this talk we will try to introduce you to Gradle build tool and how you can get it working using Kotlin. We will try to show how you can benefit from using a statically typed language for your project builds.
Developer by day and... developer by night. Mostly try to figure out problems and create tooling for insanely large codebase.
Talk #2: A Fresh Approach to Compiling JVM Languages with Fury
by Jon Pretty
Java and Scala's open-source ecosystem faces several challenges. Writing and maintaining build configurations is too difficult, and publishing is even harder, coming with additional friction of having to support an increasing multiplicity of targets targets.
But worse, this workflow puts a burden on a few key people in the open-source community to publish their libraries quickly so that their downstream users can publish theirs, and it can take months for some projects to be published. How is it that the multi-billion-dollar industry has become so dependent on so few people?
I will introduce Fury, a fast, source-based dependency manager and build tool for JVM-based languages which aspires to radically disrupt the ecosystem for the better. Fury defines builds as static data, not code, making reasoning about them simple and fast. Fury facilitates a new, distributed and version-controlled ecosystem where publishing is as simple as tagging a signed commit. And builds can be external to projects, so there's no need to impose Fury upon any existing developers who are happy with their current build setup.
The utopia we are striving for is a new, fluid and versatile ecosystem in which developers are liberated to publish more easily and frequently, and where it becomes easier for anyone to make contributions to open-source projects.
Jon has worked full-time as a Scala developer since 2004, and has been heavily involved in the Scala community for as long as it has existed.
He travels extensively, speaking on a variety of Scala topics at many Scala events worldwide, including talks on his open-source libraries, tools and original research into the Scala type system. He currently offers advanced Scala One training courses around Europe.
Jon chairs the Scala Center Advisory Board.
JetBrains provided free licence to rafle during the meetup.