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ALDI Technology Support

Job offers in ALDI Technology Support
ALDI Technology Support Sp. z o.o. (“ALDI Tech Hub”) is part of the ALDI Nord Group – one of the leading international retail enterprises with around 88,000 employees in 8 countries. With a tradition stretching back over 110 years, ALDI stands for the invention of discount retailing. Our mission is to provide people everywhere and at all times with what they need for their daily lives: high-quality products at the lowest possible price – simply and swiftly. This also includes making shopping as easy as possible.

The ALDI Tech Hub makes an important contribution to fulfilling this mission: It has been founded in order to establishing a strong supporting technology basis for the digitalisation course of the ALDI Nord Group. By ensuring reliable and future-proof IT infrastructures and technology solutions for the ALDI stores, warehouses and offices, we will make shopping even easier in the future.
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Key information

Lokalizacja: Cracow
Liczba pracowników: 400+
Typ projektów: Own product

Used Technologies/Tools

Główne: Azure, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, React, SAP