Lambda Days 2018
To continue with our tradition of opening the functional world to newcomers, once again we invite you to join Lambda Academyin a series of free workshops.
As part of our collaboration with AGH and a gesture of general awesomeness on behalf of our speakers, we offer introductory meetings for different audiences and groups.
Workshop venue:
Katedra Informatyki AGH, D-17, Kawiory 21, Kraków
Workshop detaiils:
- Michał Ślaski - Informatyka bez komputera (kids ages 7-11)
Room 3.27a: Group 1 - 10:00-12:30; Group 2 - 13:30 - 16:00
- Adam Szlachta - Practical introduction to Haskell
Room 3.27b: 10:00 - 14:00
- Marcin Rzeźnicki - Everything you wanted to know about Free Monads but were afraid to ask
Room 3.27b: 15:00 - 17:30
- Michał Muskała - Build a distributed Tic Tac Toe game in Elixir
Room 3.27c: 9:00 - 17:30
Lambda Days is a one of a kind experience in the functional world. Never-failing explosion of enthusiasm and talent is what gets us motivated to explore this amazing community in all of its potential. Join us in February 2018 to experience first hand the amazing energy functional community brings to the programming world. 40 talks, 6 tracks, 2 days and an afterparty in between. Register and meet all the inventors, leaders and innovators at Lambda Days 2018.
It is also a unique opportunity to present your research to the usual academia crowd but also to top representatives of the business side of IT. Submit your paper and get published in one of two Elsevier journals. The papers focused directly on HPC matters shall be published in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal (IF=1.133). The papers focused on theoretical and language-oriented issues will be published in a special section of Science of Computer Programming (IF=1.064). More info here: