Deciphering Goals
Grand ideas, visions are everywhere. Governments, businesses and NGOs have aspirational goals. However, the larger the goal, the higher the chance that the original intention gets lost while being passed through the structural layers of the organization. Risks, politics, personal agendas often subvert the original goal either by design or unwittingly, turning high impact outcomes into mediocre outputs. The mere act of decomposing an organizational goal into department and team goals can also cause the essence of the strategic organizational goal to become lost. This speech aims to shed some light on the underlying forces at play and how good goal setting with well-chosen metrics can help.
Ralph Jocham, has over 23 years of experience applying agile practices and over 20 years using Scrum successfully. Ralph used Scrum internationally at blue chip organizations, onsite and distributed in various domains. Ken Schwaber himself appointed Ralph to become a trainer for being one of the first 10 trainers globally. Ralph taught over 8000 students all over the world. He is also a regular speaker at conferences or companies events and also author of the best-selling book: The Professional Product Owner.