Finansowanie projektów AR/VR
At previous meetings, we talked about areas where immersive technologies are already in use. Projects based on immersion technologies are pioneering. They are often ahead of the market what requires a significant amount of cash to carry out the first implementation. That is why this time we want to talk about effective ways of financing projects using AR / VR technologies. For the full picture, we decided to invite financing entities such as Business Angels or VC as well as startups raising capital. See you there!
This time we are going to have a discussion panel format with the following participants:
Dominik Majewski – Board member of Leonardo Fund ASI Sp. z o.o. investment fund. He is an experienced investor, expert, and mentor in R&D oriented projects with a special focus on gaming technologies. He works with the biggest gaming companies in Poland.
Agnieszka Biskup-Żbikowska – Investment Manager in Leonardo Fund ASI Sp. z o.o. investment fund. She has experience in acquiring European funds as well as scoping R&D projects in areas of IT and life science.
Karolina Koszuta - Game developer with 7 years of experience in the gaming industry, Co-founder of Carbon Studio - company that from the very beginning focus on virtual reality. Carbon studio published two games dedicated to VR platforms, already. The Wizards is the most popular one. Karolina is responsible for operations and marketing as well as game publishing.
Marcin Jaśkiewicz - Experienced technology and entertainment entrepreneur. He was working on projects like and ISTV Media. Currently, CEO of Simteract - company focused on building games and interactive train simulators.