#1 skytalks
skytalks is a part of the skyhacks (https://skygate.io/skyhacks) family. We're running our first meetup about artificial inteligence, machine learning, statistics and data science. Food will be provided!
Topics: cnn, tensorflow, bioinformatics, computer vision, nlp, bigdata
Language: English
- Karthik Muthuswamy
ML Researcher at SAP, Google Developer Expert for Machine Learning
Build and Serve Machine Learning Models in the Browser using TensorFlowJS - learn how to build a neural network on a browser.
The goal of this talk is to introduce development of machine learning applications using JavaScript and Python. Participants will learn how to use TensorFlow to train and deploy a trained model directly from the browser, using Google's training infrastructure. Participants who are new to machine learning will learn basics concepts of machine learning while participants who already have some basic knowledge of machine learning will learn about how to leverage Google's training resources to speedup training and create machine learning applications on the browser.
- Jair Ribeiro
Senior Artificial Intelligence Business Analyst, Volvo Group
Mitigating the fear of AI.
Our hopes and fears about AI are not only about the remote future. They are often about today’s AI, which already has a substantial influence on our lives, and seemingly for both better and worse. For example, AI is part of both the problem and solution to fake news and the same AI used to support more impartial criminal justice, yet is accused of racial bias.
While we can predict how AI will develop in the future, it seems that we will encounter many challenges and opportunities, some more serious than others. This speech aims to bring insights about the impacts of AI and the capabilities of humanity to respond to them, creating reflection spaces to observe, reflect and debate the issues. The emergence of every disruptive new technology requires new rules: how do we deal with Artificial Intelligence?"
- Andrew Morgan
Director, Head of Data Services, Aon Centre for Innovation and Analytics, London, Dublin and Krakow. Former Senior Technologist & Solutions Architect @ Thomson Reuters, London, UK.
Evolving AI: Examining TensorFlow accelerated genetic algorithms.
The goal of this talk is to introduce ideas around TensorFlow accelerated Genetic Algorithms, reviewing an introductory use case for classification and regression using Karoo_GP, a tool for GPU accelerated Evolutionary Algorithms in Python.
- Arek Flinik
CTO & Co-founder at Lekta.ai, Cracow
Chatbots: are we all doing it wrong?
Why does talking to chatbots and virtual assistants feel like reading a sophisticated FAQ rather than a productive conversation?
It's simple: because we build them like that. But we can provide a better user experience if we change how we create them. He will share his experiences and ideas for a different approach to building chatbots.