Wrocław TypeScript #1
- 18:30 Meet & greet
- 19:00 TypeScript myths debunked — Krzysztof Żuraw
- 19:30 TypeScript with React — Piotr Pietrzak
- 20:00 Break
- 20:10 Lightning talks (details to be announced)
- 20:30 Open Q&A and networking
Hello, Wrocław! It's time that we talked about TypeScript.
We are excited to announce our first event. Join us on Wednesday the 30th and meet the community.
We will start by addressing the common myths about TypeScript. Then, Piotr Pietrzak will present how TypeScript works with React.
After the primary talks, we will be presenting a series of lightning talks showing off some of the topics you have requested. This includes what's possible with conditional types, creating a type-safe REST API definition, and some of the most challenging constructs of the language explained.
There is still space for a few lightning talks. Have something to share?
Refreshments and pizza are to be expected.
Want to see something cool? Check out our website: https://typescript.community. Have something to share with us? Shoot us an e-mail at [masked].
Get the latest updates on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WrocTypeScript