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Startup Feedback from Top Lawyers in Poland

Startup Feedback from Top Lawyers in Poland
Event type:
30.06.2021 (wednesday)

If you are interested in understanding how to set-up a company the right way, then join us for this online and interactive Startup Legal AMA event. Get answers to your legal questions from some of Poland's top startup lawyers. Learn about the different types of corporations, how to deal with Co-Founder and team members, common pitfalls to avoid, and more. Don't miss this opportunity to get feedback and free legal advice, all from the comfort of home!

Guest Speakers include:

- Piotr Boulangé (Director, Founder Institute Poland)

- Sławek Karasiński (Partner, F&K Attorneys at Law LL.P)

- Grzegorz Koguciuk (Senior Associate, SSW Pragmatic Solutions)

- Katarzyna Szczudlik (Partner at SSW Pragmatic Solutions| Data, privacy & TMT | attorney at law, SSW Pragmatic Solutions)

Who Should Attend?

- Anyone interested in incorporating an early-stage company

- Anyone that wants an understanding of basic corporate law

What are some of the Topics?

- When should you incorporate your company

- What are the steps to incorporate a business

- What agreements should you understand as a founder

- How do you handle cofounders, team members and employees

and more...

This is a live, interactive online event, so be sure to RSVP at https://fi.co/e/256322/meetup to receive the Zoom URL to join us live!

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