ScalaWAW #21 - we're back!
- 18:00 - 18:15 - Meet & greet
- 18:15 - 19:00 - "Programming with Functions", Maciej Gorywoda
- 19:00 - 19:15 - "Typelevel Mouse to the rescue", Przemysław Sokół
- 19:15 - 20:00 - Food & drinks, sponsored by Iterators
- 20:00 - 20:45 - "Where did Future Go?", Tomasz Kogut
- 20:45 - ... - Afterparty!
Hello everyone!
After another COVID season, we're back! New super cool place, new (well, some old too) faces and old presentation & networking style. It doesn't matter if you're a Scala veteran, a Scala beginner or just a casual Scala-hater - visit us for a great networking and experience exchange opportunity!
The sponsor of the meetup is Iterators:
Our vision is to create an agile environment where the spark of the client’s idea is flamed by the most impactful solutions – fast, transparent, and sustainable. Check our open positions here - we're hiring Scala engineers on all levels, even complete beginners!
The event will be live-streamed. Follow our Youtube channel for the details:
"Programming with Functions", Maciej Gorywoda
This is going to be a short lecture on basics of Functional Programming. I feel that in our quest to learn FP we sometimes skip over foundations and dive straight into advanced stuff. In consequence, naturally, the foundations of our code are often shaky. If you start learning FP right now, I'd ask you not to do that. In this talk I will introduce some key concepts, discuss how Functional Programming applies to them, and then I will go through what I consider two most important features in Scala: functions as first-class citizens, and pattern matching. Some basic Scala knowledge will help, but it's not necessary.
"Typelevel Mouse to the rescue", Przemysław Sokół
We all know how EitherT/OptionT can make simple code difficult to read. But is there actually any alternative? Meet the Typelevel Mouse - a tiny library you've probably never heard of that can help you avoid using EitherT and OptionT.