OWASP Kraków
- Marcin Szydłowski - Insecure HTTP Headers
Presentation will describe not very well-known group of web application vulnerabilities related to insecure handling of data passed in HTTP headers. Lecture will cover practical examples, most common cases of vulnerable applications, as well as steps which needs to be taken to eliminate these issues. Examples described during the presentation will be related to improper handling of X-Forwarded-For and Host headers identified during penetration testing activities and bug bounty programmes.
- Mateusz Niezabitowski - Java Deserialization
Description: Object deserialization vulnerabilities in Java are not exactly new, but only recently they got some attention. They are very dangerous, and they are format agnostic - which I will demonstrate in this demo-heavy talk.
- Ask Me Anything with Allegro security team.
You can ask them anything about IT security (but they can refuse to answer ;)