Mobile Warsaw #69
1. Adam Stasiak — Czas na Flutter! - Wprowadzenie do testów UI
Prezentacja to praktyczne wprowadzenie do pisania testów aplikacji tworzonych w technologii Flutter. Podczas prelekcji zaprezentowane będą Widget testy i testy e2e w systemie Continues Integration (Gitlab CI).
Adam to Senior Test Engineer w Polidea. Entuzjasta nowych narzędzi i wieczorów ze Stack Overflow.
2. Wojciech Sadurski — Developing apps for Android TV
Android TV has been with us since 2014 and we know it well from smart TVs and smart TV dongles where it has it’s issues. The appearance of Android TV Operator Tier certification program recently brought it back into attention and initiated a rapid growth of popularity. In my presentation I will show you how you can develop apps for this platform and benefit from it’s growing consumer base.
Wojciech is an Android dev who recently became a Technical Project Leader at TiVo Poland. Fan of Kotlin who loves to keep things clean, decoupled and unit-tested.
3. Networking
After the presentations we’ll stay a little longer and maybe go somewhere nearby for afterparty drinks and food!
We’re happy to announce this month’s Mobile Warsaw! Come join us for 2 amazing talks, free delicious beverages and great networking!
As always, there’ll be free beverages (both alcoholic and soft drinks) and lots of fellow developers to enjoy them with!