Mobile Warsaw #65
We're happy to announce our October meetup! Come join us for amazing talks, delicious beverages and great networking!
# Jakub Turek
Jakub builds iOS apps at EL Passion. He is a native Swift speaker, who also happens to be fluent in Python. He is particularly interested in making all the things functional and unit testing them to the core. You can check out his works at
# Having fun(ctions) with Swift
The talk aims to show you how (& why) to incorporate various heresies(*) into your Swift development toolkit. You may ask: "what the heck, why would I ever want to do that"?! The answer is simple: for extreme testability and composability. Sounds interesting? Come by for deep dive into the functional world!
(*) such as free functions and loads of custom operators
# Kamil Borzym
Kamil is an iOS developer at Allegro. He is very curious of how things work internally, so he likes to decompile frameworks and apps.
0xFEEDFACE is a magic number which can be found in the first four bytes of executables in Apple's ecosystem. What comes afterwards? This is what I will talk about in my presentation. I will concentrate on Mach-O files (iOS, macOS, etc.), but general idea is very similar for ELF and PE executables. Additionally, I will show you a completely new approach to app obfuscation.