Krakow Scala User Group
We invite you for an extraordinary meetup! Take a look at plan and save the date:
- Talk 1: "The Real Serverless" by Jan Pustelnik
You probably have heard the pun that serverless is just running software on another person's computer. However, I would like to show something else - "real serverless" which is running software without any servers in a fully distributed, peer-to-peer manner.
Let's discover how Scala, Akka's CRDTs and the Inter Planetary File System (ipfs) can help you build applications that can scale and work without any central point of failure.
Software Engineer at Actyx by day, sporadic Akka and Dotty projects contributor by night. Interested in how software works on low level, he does not find big frameworks appealing. This is the main reason why he loves Scala, a very expressive language that allows one to build right abstractions quickly without losing control over details. Jan is an active member of JUG Łódź and occasional conference speaker. In his spare time he loves to dust-off some old issue of computer science journal only to find out that everything has already been invented before he even was born.
- Talk #2: TBA
We do our best to organise KSUG meetups regularly.
If you would like to share something among community, do not hesitate to poke us :) Speakers are always welcome.
Huge thanks to VirtusLab for sponsoring the event - venue, drinks & video.
See you soon!