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Code4Life: Tech Meetup #13 (Quality Management) - [Warsaw]

Code4Life: Tech Meetup #13 (Quality Management) - [Warsaw]
Event type:
27.09.2018 (thursday)
Roche Office - Graffit Building, VI Floor
Domaniewska 28
  • 18:00 - 18:05 Introduction and Warm-Up
  • 18:05 - 18:50 Testing Test Results Statistics in Performance Testing - Edyta Tomalik & Piotr Pawluk

When running performance tests, we often face the problem of comparing results from two runs of the same test. Was there an improvement or degradation, or were the results at the same level? Sometimes it is obvious which result is better, and sometimes we see differences - but are these differences significant?

Edyta and Piotr explain the potential of statistics methods. They’ll review the basic concepts, such as mean, median and standard deviation. Then they’ll examine the empirical cumulative distribution function, and try to calculate the probability density function before comparing results sets using a Kolmogorov-Smironov Test.

Using practical examples, you’ll understand these concepts and, armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to use statistical tools for performance test results with improved awareness.

Edyta Tomalik graduated in in computer science at Wroclaw University of Technology, specialising in software engineering, economathematics and mathematical aspects. She also studied software engineering at the Blekinge University of Technology in Sweden. She has a deep passion for stochastic differential equations, time series analysis, complexity theory and image analysis.

Piotr Pawluk is a senior specialist providing performance tests for internal IT projects in one of the biggest global pharmaceutical companies. In the last twelve years, he has provided performance testing services for around 100 projects, both small and large, touching almost all areas, from validated waterfall projects for drug safety applications to Agile projects in the marketing area.

  • 18:50 - 19:00 Coffee Break
  • 19:00 - 19:50 Testing in Uncharted Waters - Aleksander Lipski

”If you want to make enemies, try to change something”. That’s what it feels like to challenge the status quo in pretty much any environment.Throw in a lack of experience within that particular community, and the challenges increase significantly.

In his talk, Aleksander Lipski explains the trials of jumping into a new software community without any previous experience or authority in that area. He explains how he persuaded others that software testing brings value from day one, and how to collaborate and learn from others from across the divide.

Aleksander Lipski is a software testing enthusiast, co-founder of the longest-running testing meetup PTaQ in Poland, and regular speaker at testing events. In software testing, he recognises the tester’s independence and ability to bring value regardless of the given context or role.

  • 19:50 - 20:00 Feedback Session
  • 20:00 Meetup Closure & Afterparty

Limited seats are available! Don’t wait!


Do you work in IT? Are you interested in the field and want to meet with peers? Or maybe you just want to swap stories from the Information Technology War Zone?

If so, join us on the Code4Life Tech Meetups organized together with GirlsWhoTest!

We bring together Experts from a wide range of IT fields to deliver excellent talks and share their knowledge.

On Thursday 27th September, we’re meeting up in Warsaw to discuss Quality Management! Listen to three great speakers to deliver talks on software testing, then stay for some great food drink in the company of your colleagues. There’s even free parking at the event to make it easier for you to meet us and your business peers.

Code4Life is family-friendly too, so feel free to bring your kids along so that you don’t miss out! We’ve prepared a special zone to keep them entertained while you meet with other professionals.

Once you’ve satisfied your thirst for knowledge, join our Afterparty in “La mia italia” (Domaniewska 31), where cold beer and great pizza will refresh your spirits.

Join us on the Meetup. Build your network. Boost your knowledge.

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