Xamarin Warsaw Mobile Developers #17
Kolejne spotkanie grupy już 3 grudnia! Tym razem będziemy mieli okazję dowiedzieć się więcej o tworzeniu aplikacji na urządzenia działające pod kontrolą systemu Tizen. Wszystko to oczywiście przy pomocy Xamarina.
Zapraszamy również do odwiedzenia naszej grupy na Facebooku dla polskich programistów Xamarina: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XamarinDevelopersGroupPoland/
Introduction to Tizen | Seoghyun Kang (Shawn)
What Tizen is and Tizen .Net with Xamarin? Lecture will introduce Tizen features and diverse Tizen profiles including Wearable, TV, and IoT. We will share various tips for developing Tizen .Net app with Xamarin.
Seoghyun Kang (Shawn) is a software architect and engineer at Samsung Electronics. He has been involved in development projects from the old black-and-white terminals to the recent smart devices (Mobile, Wearable and TV) and IoT devices. He also has been responsible for various developer events for Tizen .Net with Xamarin, such as Samsung Developer Conference and Xamarin Summit.
Live Coding: Wearable App Development | Boyeon Son (Christina)
Live coding presentation on developing a Heart Rate Monitor app for Galaxy Active II using Tizen .Net with Xamarin. You will be surprised to see how easy it is!
Boyeon Son (Christina) is a software engineer at Samsung Electronics. Boyeon has an academic background and work experience in Systems Design Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and User Experience Design. She will be presenting a live demo on developing a Heart Rate Monitor application for Galaxy Active. Boyeon is excited to visit Poland for the first time and looking forward to meeting all of you at Xamarin Meetup 2019!
Mobile to Wearable communication protocol – SAP | Piotr Szydełko
Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP) allows you to exchange data between accessory devices (a watch) and smartphone. In this session we will show how to use SAP API to extend an Android application with a companion application. This way the user can control selected aspects of the mobile application from the watch.
Piotr Szydełko has been working with Tizen API for over 7 years and was involved in the development of Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Tizen enabling Tizen support for Xamarin.Forms.
Xamarin application development on Samsung TV | Jakub Sobczuk
On the lecture we will present TV oriented features of Tizen .Net API. Next, demonstrate how to build Xamarin.Forms application for Samsung TV devices and how to configure environment in order to deploy application on Samsung TV.
Jakub is software engineer responsible for Xamarin application development on Tizen ecosystem (TV, Wearable, IoT).