Why R? - Analysing Political Speeches in R - some approaches
stream: https://youtu.be/HYkwW1e18lU
speaker: Evan Odell https://evanodell.com/
title: Analysing Political Speeches in R - some approaches
speaker's affiliations:
- Junior Data Consultant at Pandata GmbH
- Create and maintainer of the dataset of speeches made in the UK House of Commons
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Junior data consultant at Pandata and R programmer, based in Berlin. Evan has written numerous R packages, primarily for accessing and processing data, and created a dataset of UK House of Commons speeches available as a single RDS or CSV file. He has previously worked for Disability Rights UK, Queen'sUniversity and as a freelancer for London Business School.
Short Bio:
Legislative debate transcripts can provide unique insights into politics and policy. They can be used to identify popular topics among different legislators, reveal party factions that do not show up in voting behaviour, and longitudinal
changes in the language used to discuss certain topics, amongst other things. In this webinar I'll discuss some approaches
and potential pitfalls to analysing legislative debate, using the British House of Commons as an example.