Test Dive 2022
Aktualnie zapraszamy na przesyłanie swoich propozycji prelekcji. Termin mija 30 czerwca.
13 października startuje VI już edycja konferencji Test Dive. W tym roku wracamy do wydarzenia stacjonarnego w krakowskim Multikinie. Oprócz tego konferencja będzie również dostępna online.
What is test dive?
Test Dive is one of the largest test conferences in Poland. The conference may be attended by everyone, especially students, professionals, representatives of academics, business partners and all passionate. Our event presents the latest testing trends, best practices and topics related with software development life-cycle and quality.
The conference creates space to exchange experiences, discuss and deliberate ideas. It is a unique platform to integrate test enthusiasts with academic community and business by networking.
The lectures are focused on hottest topics in industry:
- Testing Techniques and Methodologies,
- Test Automation,
- Test Management,
- Security,
- Agile,
- IoT,
- DevOps,
- Blockchain,
- Machine Learning.
Each of them is initiating interesting discussions related to the quality and software testing.
Where and when?
The sixth edition of Test Dive Conference will take place on 13th October 2022.
We have a hybrid formula this year. You can participate in two ways:
- in person – visit us in Multikino Cinema in Cracow,
- online from anywhere in the world.
TestDive 2022 will provide you a lot of lectures with interesting speakers and a discussion panel.
More details about registration will be announced soon.
We cannot wait to meet you all!