Taking the „Über” from Kubernetes: microConf by SwingDev #3
- 18:00 Registration
- 18:20 Navigating unknown waters? Running your app on K8s doesn't have to feel that way, Dawid Dominiak
- 18:50 Refreshments and Networking Break
- 19:05 What is GitOps? Introduction to an innovative, opinionated application delivery workflow with Flux & K8s, Rafał Lewandowski
- 19:35 Technical Break
- 19:40 Canary Releases in 15 Minutes: Guest Talk, Łukasz Kałużny (Beyond.pl)
- 20:10 Break
- 20:20 Running your app on K8s: The workshop, Gabriel Oczkowski (the number of seats is limited)
Taking the „Über” from Kubernetes: The Next Level Infrastructure
microConf by SwingDev, 3rd Edition
Any plans for a great 2019 kick-off? How about: “Taking the “über” from Kubernetes”? Enter the next level of infrastructures with SwingDev. The third edition of microConf is coming on January 17, 2019. Save the date, and don’t forget to bring your appetite for fresh knowledge. We have a whole plate for every and each of you!
When: January 17, 2019
Where: SwingDev Office, Nowy Świat 35, Warsaw
What to expect: As always, a ton of new knowledge based on our experience. You won't get it from YouTube tutorials!
Sign up for the workshop part at microconf@swingdev.io or via Meetup Message (obligatory).
The charge for the workshop part is PLN 50.
All of your payment covers organizational costs. We take no profit.
**Navigating unknown waters? Running your app on K8s doesn't have to feel that way**
K8s emerges as a market standard and cloud providers outdo each other in simplification of app provisioning based on K8s. However, everyone is talking about production ready K8s, but just a few people actually do it. K8s became a standard at SwingDev. We always take alternatives into account, but K8s is fit for many different application configurations. During the talk, we will show a zero to hero path and share our experience that will help you with deploying production ready applications to K8s on your own.
**What is GitOps? Introduction to an innovative, opinionated application delivery workflow with Flux & K8s**
The change spares no one—the DevOps movement is on the rise, pointing out that communication silos, insufficient automation and lack of clear, easily accessible insight into system state are the primary issues that modern software development companies should be tackling.
GitOps is a workflow developed by Weaveworks, it’s a goal making infrastructure management and application deployment as simple as submitting a pull request to Git repository. This talk will bring this concept closer to you, using Flux and K8s stack as an example.
**What will you learn during the workshop part?**
No matter if it's your first time with Kubernetes or you've got your feet wet before—our seasoned developers will guide you through the process of configuring an Azure account, showing the best tools to get things done quickly. Learn how to orchestrate containers, create your first cluster and deploy a working app. Understand the difference between the imperative and declarative way of managing your Kubernetes. Explore the real use cases with aspects like horizontal scaling, self-healing, and configuration management.
Join us!
microConf is a series of meetups for fresh and professional developers. Each meetup is filled with high-quality content, squeezed in 4 hours full of action - at least 2 talks and a workshop. A mix of theoretical and practical knowledge served during the event helps to understand how modern software development works.