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Startup Poland Camp #Poznan powered by Hive61

Startup Poland Camp #Poznan powered by Hive61
Typ wydarzenia:
29.05.2019 (środa)
polski , angielski
Plus Jeden
ul. Za Bramką 1

We are pleased to invite you to Startup Poland Camp #Poznan powered by Hive61!

This time, our speakers will tell you what is the cloud and how you can use it in your company!

We have prepared for you four speeches and networking!

Organizer: Startup Poland

Main Partner: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

Partner: Hive61

The event will take place on May 29 at 18:30 in Plus Jeden!

Speakers will be announced soon!

If you're craving for knowledge we have special proposal for you!

Partner event - InnoSHARE'19 on the road: Meetup Poznań will take place before ours camp in the same place!

Hive61 is a series of meetups of Poznan's Startup and Business Community. We gather more than 100 people from Poland and abroad, both startups, corporations, highly skilled freelancers, people from more traditional business branches, also techies, geeks & students who dream about their first startup.

Every meetup has keynote speakers sharing stories about their projects, ideas and experiences.

We welcome everyone involved in or related to startups, creative businesses and inspiring organizations based in Poznan. Come and join our dynamic entrepreneurial community at the next meetup!

Why '61'? It's simple – it's Poznan's area code :)

The presentations are usually around 20 minutes long and in English, there is a chance to ask questions and meet great people after.

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