Spotkanie Poznań JUG: Everything you ever wanted to know about Docker
Zapraszamy na wakacyjne spotkanie z Poznań JUG. Po dłuuuuugiej przerwie wracamy do Cognifide, gdzie Damian Mierzwiński opowie nam o wszystkim co powinniśmy wiedzieć na temat Dockera!
Spotkanie odbędzie się 6 sierpnia (wtorek) o godzinie 18:00 przy ul. Murawa 12/18b (1 piętro).
Abstract prezentacji:
Docker is one of my favorite technologies, side by side with Git and Kotlin. It has some elegance that not every tool have. This presentation is a quite detailed introduction to Docker from the perspective of a developer. Talks about history, adoption, architecture, features, Swarm, possible use cases and a mind shift that comes with this distinct piece of engineering. You would have a good overview of it and probably some nice ideas of how to use it in your daily work will start to popup.
O prelegencie:
Damian Mierzwiński - Developer, Product Owner, Scrum Master, some kind of a manager and developer back again. I like to learn new things and make things simple. Most of my professional career in Java and JS, now I have this pleasure to work with Kotlin.
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