Spotkanie PJUG - Reactive web services and Functional Java - introduction
This time we will have a pleasure to listen to two presentations:
- Kamil Szymański - Reactive web services
- Łukasz Biały - Functional Java - introduction
Reactive web services
Ahh, reactive, probably the buzzword of 2017, newer and shinier than good ol' microservices, all asynchronous, non-blocking and I've even heard some event-driven buzz around it.During this live-coding session we won't focus on the shiny nor on saving the world with dataflows using composable operators.Instead we'll focus on how the execution of this reactive approach differs from 'classic imperative approaches' and check how it impacts resource consumption and tps.We'll also see backpressure in action, cover the topic of reactive converters (e.g. JSON encoders and decoders) and check a couple of libraries, both new and old ones, that help build reactive web services.
Kamil - a software developer, JVM & open-source enthusiast, develops D2C investment platform @ Pragmatic Coders, helps organizations improve their software delivery processes @ OSEC
Functional Java - introduction
Functional-oriented programming languages are becoming more and more popular. Can Java developers gain anything from embracing the functional hype? In my talk I'll try to show that it's worth to incorporate functional idioms into your codebase to achieve greater type-safety, compile-time error detection and composability by using Java 8's lambdas, functional interfaces, language- extending libraries like Javaslang and functional-reactive programming library Rxjava.
Lukasz - a polyglot full-stack developer currently employing his enthusiasm for functional programming and quality coding at VirtusLab. Permanent learner with severe information dependency problem. Enjoys conversations about philosophy and all things related to mind's inner workings. Loves mountains and hiking.