QAwelin powered by Grape Up #1 - Fighting API and UI testing with Karate
Hi! We are Grape Up QA Team. On a daily basis, we work for clients from the entire world in many market sectors, especially automotive, insurance and finance - as you may suppose that is why high quality of work is crucial for us
We believe that there is a strong need to share knowledge in the field of quality and we have the ambition to fill it
Everyone interested in the QA area: practitioners, developers, managers for whom quality improvement is important are welcome to join our meetup.
At the very first meet up Patrycja Mundzik will talk about:
Fighting API and UI testing with Karate
Drive Change is one of the organizational values of Grape Up, which we often even casually implement in the QA team. That is why we constantly improve the methods of our work. During my lecture, I will tell you about:
- What is karate and where did the idea for the new framework come from?
- Karate, Cucumber, and RestAssured - what connects them and what separates them?
- Reporting you don't have to worry about
- Are "friendly locators" really friendly?
- Karate vs Selenium - the biggest differences
- Demo of API and UI tests (Live coding demos what could go wrong ...)