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Pykonik Tech Talks #64: Hacks around python magic methods and import system

Pykonik Tech Talks #64: Hacks around python magic methods...
Typ wydarzenia:
25.05.2023 (czwartek)
SpotOn Poland
aleja 29 Listopada 20
  • 18:00 – Welcome
  • 18:30 – First talk
  • 19:15 – Networking break with Free Pizza
  • 19:45 – Second talk
  • 20:30 – Lightning Talks

As always, we meet on the last Thursday of the month :) This time, event will be organized in our sponsor's office, SpotOn at Al. 29 Listopada 20.

How to find us?

The entrance to the office is at the corner next to the bus stop "Cmentarz Rakowicki Zachód". After entering the office, head over to the elevator block C, there should be someone waiting next to the elevators to let you in.

[EN] Hacks around python magic methods and import system

Oleg Szydłowski will talk about python magic methods and import system. Show some examples of how it can be used for something more, than what described in python documentation. Along the way he will touch some internals of the import system and how to extend it's behaviour for your needs.

[EN] disconnect3d - lightning talk[s] - some optimization stuff & others

Other Lightning Talks!

a lightning talk is a short (usually 5min) talk, that's basically an open mic session – you can just come up to the stage during the event and present something for five minutes (ideally something related to Python).

If you'd like to do a lightning talk – just talk to the organisers during the event, (or on discord) – we will be also asking about it from stage during the event.

We already have a few very interesting lightning talks confirmed so be sure to check that part of the event :)

Followup discussion in a nearby pub.

After we lave the premises at around 21:00 we will move to a different location (announced during the event) to continue the discussion there.

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion :)

We will also have pizza & drinks. Our meeting details can also be found on our website, where you can sign up to give a talk at the next meeting: https://www.pykonik.org/tech-talks/64/

Join the meeting for updates and see you at the event!

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