Pykonik #68: OpenStack and Spreadsheet madness!
18:00 – Welcome
18:30 – How do clouds work (on the OpenStack example)? - Mateusz Juściński
19:15 – Networking break with Free Pizza
19:45 – Spreadsheet Madness - Artur Rączka
??:?? – The End & going to the after party
As always, we meet on the last Thursday of the month :)
We're back on Politechnika Krakowska, details how to get here are in the sidebar on the right, or in "Location" section below.
This month we're back with our "regular" formula with 2 longer talks with pizza break in-between and a lightning talks session at the very end.
How do clouds work (on the OpenStack example)? - Mateusz Juściński
A few years ago, the top selling point of any IT-related product was: “It works in the cloud.” Years are passing, buzzwords are changing, and clouds are no longer “new exciting thing” but more “everyday life.” Despite these changes, we still use clouds but don’t understand how they work. Mateusz Juściński will present the OpenStack project during this talk and show how a small part of “cloud computing” works.
Spreadsheet Madness - Artur Rączka
Arkusze kalkulacyjne mają ogromne możliwości i można z nich bardzo dużo wycisnąć. A czasami nawet zbyt dużo...
Chcę zaproponować społeczności Pykonika humorystyczną prezentację o projekcie, nad którym pracuję od września '23. Tworzę apkę dla lokalnej organizacji, która od 13 lat funkcjonuje na arkuszach Google. System, jaki powstał przez te lata, urósł do wręcz absurdalnego poziomu skomplikowania. W ramach poszerzania swojego portfolio podjąłem się przeniesienia logiki tego systemu do apki w Django. Prezentacja będzie o Django-success-story, inspiracją dla młodych deweloperów i rozrywką dla starszych. Projekt jest w końcowej fazie developmentu i planujemy rozpocząć wdrażanie w styczniu tego roku.
Repo i opis projektu:
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If you'd like to speak at this or future Pykonik meetups, please send your proposal at
Politechnika Krakowska, Budynek Działownia (see the map; detailed instructions are visible when you sign up for the event)
If you have trouble figuring out how to find the correct room check out the video below:
Sponsors and Partners
- Cosmo PK – organised the space to host the event.
- GCore - Our main sponsor of the event, provides pizza and beverages
- JetBrains – 2x pycharm licenses giveaway during the event
- CLUG – recording and streaming of the meetup
More about GCore
Gcore accelerates AI training, provides comprehensive cloud services, improves content delivery, and protects servers and applications. Gcore collaborates with industry giants like Intel, Dell, NVIDIA, Graphcore, and Equinix to do so. Millions worldwide use apps and games based on Gcore’s infrastructure and services. The company is trusted by World of Tanks, Albion Online, Avast, Photon, Unity, Sandbox Interactive, and others. To learn more about Gcore, please check out its product website, Careers page, or LinkedIn page.
As usual, there will be a livestream for those who can't show up