Pykonik #53 Online Tech Talks Meetup
We invite you for the next meetup! We're not giving up on sharing the knowledge. so please join us on the stream! We will send streaming details to all attendees.
Pykonik is a community of those using, learning or curious of Python. Our meeting details can also be found on our website, where you can sign up to give a talk at the next meeting:
This time we will host the following talks:
- Sebastian Witowski - Python Versions and Dependencies Made Easy
Managing Python versions and dependencies can be painful. JavaScript developers have their "node_modules" folders, but we don't have "python_modules" (yet!) in Python. Instead, we have those mysterious virtual environments. And if you also want to switch between different Python versions, it can quickly turn into a mess.
It doesn't have to be that way. With a few simple tools and practices, you can easily tame Python and its dependencies. In this talk, I'm going to show you how to do this.
I will talk about:
- How to manage Python versions with pyenv and set different versions for a folder or a shell session?
- What are virtual environments, what's the difference between different tools (venv, virtualenvwrapper, conda, etc.), and how to use them?
- How to separate global packages with pipx (and why you should do this)
- Why you usually don't need pipenv, poetry, and other tools like that (and when they are actually useful)
- Céline Boudier - Is Agile only for extroverts? What’s your personaliteam?
Do personality types affect people's engagement with specific ways of working in software engineering? Do introverts struggle with Agile methodologies? How can we get to know the team's personality and preferences so workflows can be even more adapted?
Hopefully this talk can help make people empathise with each other and build efficient processes that cater even more for the humans in it.
As always after the meeting we'll host a series of Lightning Talks and an afterparty handled on Pykonik Discord server.
The meeting sponsor is Jetbrains. During this meeting, we will give out two annual licenses for selected product from Jetbrains which includes PyCharm Professional.
See ya at the streaming!
Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie!
Szczegóły spotkania dostępne są również na naszej stronie:
Podczas spotkania będziecie mogli posłuchać prezentacji na następujące tematy:
- Sebastian Witowski - Python Versions and Dependencies Made Easy
- Céline Boudier - Is Agile only for extroverts? What’s your personaliteam?
Po prezentacjach zapraszamy na serię Lightning Talków oraz na afterparty na Pykonikowym serwerze Discord
Sponsorem spotkania jest Jetbrains.
Do zobaczenia na streamingu!