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ProductTank - World Product Day Kraków

ProductTank - World Product Day Kraków
Typ wydarzenia:
15.05.2019 (środa)
Relativity Poland
Aleja Pokoju 5/ 5th Floor

Hello World Product TankERS AGAIN!

We are happy to announce the SECOND edition of the World Product Day in Kraków! We are going to connect with the World Product Tank community live streaming the event on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/producttankpoland/, so if you cannot join in person - you will see us there!

RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/ProductTank-Krakow/events/261225154/

Same event, same place (thank you Relativity Poland for hosting us again), same emotions but different speakers, great speakers - Maciek Bielski and Piotr Nabielec.

Maciek Bielski is currently working as a Head of Product at HCM Deck, where he leads a team of product researchers, managers, designers, and marketers to deliver innovative solutions in the HR industry. Previously at Brainly, where he focused on deploying engagement strategies to accelerate the growth of its user base.

In the talk he’ll go through theoretical foundations of "Jobs to be done" framework and practical examples of how understanding functional, social and emotional dimensions of your customer needs can redefine the process of finding the most effective solutions and communicating their value to clients and end users. Do you want to go beyond the usual feature requests driving your product decisions? Come and get inspired to explore how to get to the bottom of what your users really need.

Piotr Nabielec helps people organize chaos, stop procrastinating and find the time for hobby and dreams. For the last 3 years he leads Produktywni.pl with online and offline courses, webinars and blog. Before that he spent 10 years as a software developer and manager in IT. He loves practical hints and solutions and is a fan of the Slow movement. TEDx speaker. As a hobby he plays drums and guitar, travel and do various kind of sports

Piotr session will be about: "4 common problems with task lists and how to solve them. What I learned from 2000+ students."

Please grab your ID as it is required to enter the office.


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