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ProductTank Kraków #29

ProductTank Kraków #29
Typ wydarzenia:
18.02.2023 (sobota)
Sabre Polska
ul. Tischnera 8
  • 18:00-18:15 - attendees arriving
  • 18:15 - welcome on ProductTank side - Beata Kupiec /Michał Krawiec
  • 18:20 - welcome on Sabre side – Cezary Żminkowski
  • 18:25 - Tomasz Kuks (Technical Product Management) 30-35 mins incl Q&A
  • 19:00 - food break :) - 10 mins
  • 19:10 - Piotr Warzyński (Principal Product Manager) 30-35 mins incl Q&A
  • 19:40 - Beata closing comments
  • 19:45 - 21:00 networking


Hello Product People !

We are happy to invite you to the first event in 2023 during which you will hear two intresting talks followed by networking part.

Our first guest will be Tomasz Kuks who will talk about Experiences in Business Analysis.

You will learn how BABOK describes BA’s work briefly and how those aspects relate to other known practices and techniques. You will hear what worked well and what did not in the aspects of product discovery. Finally, you will find out what to invest your time in to develop skills for the next level in your career.


Tomasz is a Business Analyst and Product Management generalist. Since 2019 he is a leader of Technical Product Managers in Air Offers and Profiles Platform products. Previously he spent 4 years as a Business Analyst and Technical Product Manager in Sabre.

Before joining Sabre in 2015, he acted in multiple roles, starting from software engineering in 2003 for B2B products on FMCG market and then for 10 years in Credit related products in Finance. He is passionate about leadership, growth of team members and building valuable products and features that work together.

Our second guest will be Piotr Warzyński who will speak about Pursuing the same goal. Product development together with an external stakeholder.

Creating a product is often accompanied by challenges. However, creating a product together with someone from the outside, causes even more of them. Can such circumstances lead to a success? Let’s find out.


Piotr Warzyński is a Product Manager at Sabre. He is a travel and hospitality professional with over 15 years of experience in the travel industry. Before joining Sabre in 2016, he worked in travel agencies and Krakow chain hotels. He also implemented software for airlines and worked as a Business Analyst for loyalty products. Talkative college lecturer for over last 10 years.

In Sabre, he has been associated with Traveler Profiles since the beginning. At first, he was responsible for travel agency profiles. Then he immersed himself for years in building a joint application with one of the largest business travel agencies – Global Business Travel. Currently, as a Product Manager, he helps in the development of two products – Customer Insight and Loyalty.

Please provide your full name in meetup profile. Take your ID as your identity will be check on entrance.

You can't miss this one!

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