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PPoSh #22

PPoSh #22
Typ wydarzenia:
03.11.2020 (wtorek)

Hi, We'd like to invite you to our #22 Meetup

Agenda: Build, Test, Deploy - Software Distribution with Intune

1. Prepare your template script

2. Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool

3. Windows Sandbox - your instant testing environment

4. Intune Win32 Apps

Foreward: There are many obstacles when trying to distribute software on a corporate scale. As an IT Administrator, you need to provide bug-free installation packages for endpoints.

Imagine that you have deployed a new Virtual private network (VPN) client and the configuration profile did not apply. Additionally, a workstation shutdown after installing the prerequisite software, or the software installation failed.

Collecting decentralized installation logs and analyzing them can be time-consuming! Yes, there always are some failed installations, but the less, the better. The only way to protect yourself from potential errors in your software distributions is to test them in a controlled environment.

Thanks to PowerShell, you can customize the installation process to handle the operating environment's limitations. For the best results, carry out testing on a clean installation of an operating system. You can use Windows Sandbox to create an environment where changes arn’t permanent. Finally, after a successful testing cycle, your package is ready to be deployed via Intune.

Speaker - Maciej Horbacz

Links: http://universecitiz3n.tech/

Twitter: @UniverseCitiz3n

Bio: I'm great at automating stuff. My journey started with learning basics of Powershell in small non-profit organization. There I've automated some of my repetitive tasks. Today I'm part of a bigger team where we are managing infrastucture for around 700 people. Powershell is still my main tool but I'm also heavy user of all the goodies that come from Microsoft 365 platform esspecially Power Platform.

Last several months I've focused mainly on Intune and I've managed to migrate device deployment from WDS to Autpilot, but that is a story for another time...

Here's the Teams link for you: http://bit.ly/PPoSh22

You can reach us through here as well:

GitHub - https://github.com/pposhgroup

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PPoShGroup

Twitter - @Arcontar, @Dom_Bros, @universecitiz3n

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