Pacific NW Software Quality Conference
PNSQC's 40th-anniversary conference marked our first year as a hybrid conference -- it was a challenge and also a lot of fun. A huge thank you again to all the terrific Keynotes and Invited Speakers, Technical Paper presenters, Workshop leaders, fabulous Sponsors, dedicated Paper Reviewers, Volunteers, attendees, and Board Members for making the Pacific NW Software Quality Conference so great. Congratulations to our top three speakers nominated and evaluated by their peers at the conference.
Driving Quality Improvements Through Orthogonal Root Cause Analysis by Amol Patil
Building A Modern Quality Program From The Ground Up by Jeff Sing
Application Of Usability Testing To GUIs For Electronic Design Automation Industry by Kirolos George
Watch The Keynotes
Meanwhile, catch the 2022 Keynotes on the PNSQC YouTube channel. With more than 50 talks, panels, and discussions packed into two days, there’s so much you may have missed or want to revisit. Get inspired, learn from a speaker’s tips or insights, and share a video with your team or colleagues.
Keynotes, Invited Speakers, Presentations and Events
The conference always has a variety of industry recognized keynote speakers, and invited speakers, panel discussions on key topics of today and tomorrow. There will also be lightning sessions, workshops, and social events. Interesting Conference Papers, Presentations and Posters will provide new ideas and insights that can be applied upon returning to work. The conference is also complemented by a full day of workshops that allow for a deep dive into topical and interesting subjects. Look for more details unfolding over the next few months as the conference agenda is finalized.