OpenTable #005
6.00pm - Registration
6.20pm - Brief introduction
6.30pm - Attendees to join any of the tables that have been allocated a subject (with freedom to change at 20 minute intervals)
7.30pm - Quick community announcements & wrap-up with 30 minutes open floor networking
OpenTable is a new sub-event aimed at closing the ‘how to’ gap within knowledge sharing through a relax ‘round table’ discussion.
If OpenCoffee is about creating the platform to present your project or business, then OpenTable is about creating a platform to find the time to answer those questions.
This event takes place on the fourth Thursday of every month at Yolk Workspace & Community at 6pm.
How OpenTable runs?
Join which ever subject interests you the most and feel free to move around the tables and join whichever discussion you want to engage with. Each table have pre-filled questions to help kick the conversations off, but feel free to ask your own questions to seek answers to your business/projects. There will be time at the end for networking and connecting with anyone you found interesting during the event.
The next event’s themes include:
Culture & Arts
Important Note:
For every new event we will give you the Power to Vote...
Please watch for the new categories to vote weekly in the 'Event Chat'