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OpenCoffeeKRK #205

OpenCoffeeKRK #205
Typ wydarzenia:
06.02.2020 (czwartek)
polski , angielski
Coworking Rynek Główny 28
Rynek Główny 28

Open Coffee is a friendly informal networking event for entrepreneurs, professionals, people in the startup community and students in Krakow.

What is the BIG idea?

We want to help people creating useful business connections.

Everyone is welcome to our meetings, and we especially love first-timers.

We want to make sure that if somebody coming from an unsupportive background/ country has the courage to join, they will notice that we are glad they came because we welcome them.

Everyone who comes is important and gets 1-2 minutes to present their idea.

We usually use this structure, to make it easy for everybody:

1. Who you are

2. What are you doing

3. What you need

4. How you can help others

If you feel shy, you can also just listen but we encourage you to talk

Each attendee can also get to post their LinkedIn page or website through our channels and reach people also outside the meeting room.

The structured part of the meetup starts at 8:00 sharp (you are welcome to come earlier and grab a cup of coffee) and close at 09:00.

After the ending of the official program, we encourage everyone to stay for as long as they want to talk to other people, and find out more about the projects that interest them.

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