OpenCoffeeKRK #194
This meeting will be hosted by Mateusz Cybula:
Manager of Startup Incubator in Kraków Technology Park, organizer of Pitching Fight Club and Startup Weekend Kraków (including Kids edition). Board Member of Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK - Kraków's Startup Community. Previously helped growing startup community in STARTER Gdańsk and Ambassador of Startup Poland.
Are you a small entrepreneur looking for clients or ideas to improve your business?
Are you a wannabe entrepreneur looking for a feedback about your idea or some inspiration to start strong?
Or, are you a professional who is looking for talented professional to connect with or having a look around for a career change, especially in the start-up world?
Then this is a meeting for you!
We want you there- We promise we are nice :)
**Open Coffee Krakow**
Every other Thursday morning (for years) a diverse group of people from across industries and sectors at different places in their careers gathers around a large table to say:
1. Who they are.
2. What they are doing.
3. What they need.
4. How they can help.
It's a simple process that consistently produces outstanding outcomes.
It is free and we are very welcoming to newcomers-
Please register here:
Our fantastic host Coworking Rynek Główny 28 located just steps from the Main Square provides a large sunny room and pots of fresh coffee for a great atmosphere.
So see you Thursday morning. 8am SHARP!