OpenCoffeeKRK #180
Are you a small entrepreneur looking for clients or ideas to improve your business?
Are you a wannabe entrepreneur looking for a feedback about your idea or some inspiration to start strong?
Or, are you a professional who is looking for talented professional to connect with or having a look around for a career change, especially in the start-up world?
Then this is a meeting for you!
We want you there- We promise we are nice :)
Open Coffee Krakow
Every other Thursday morning (for years) a diverse group of people from across industries and sectors at different places in their careers gathers around a large table to say:
1. Who they are.
2. What they are doing.
3. What they need.
4. How they can help.
It's a simple process that consistently produces outstanding outcomes.
It is free and we are very welcoming to newcomers.
Our fantastic host Coworking Rynek Główny 28 located just steps from the Main Square provides a large sunny room and pots of fresh coffee for a great atmosphere.
So see you Thursday morning. 8am SHARP!