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Omgkrk Academy #9: The Future Of Business START KRK UP

Omgkrk Academy #9: The Future Of Business START KRK UP
Typ wydarzenia:
17.10.2018 (środa)
MOCAK Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej
Lipowa 4

What is the future of business?

The approaching convergence of exponential technologies will make a transformative impact on the future of entrepreneurship and our shared experience. The application of innovations in areas like automatization, artificial intelligence, bio-metrics, information technologies and 3D printing to name a few is creating new opportunities and challenges in the world of business along with changing our social norms. How to stay on the cutting edge?

In the 9th session of OMGKRK Academy taking place during Krakow Startup Week 2018, we have invited speakers from Digital University to equip us with the mindset and skills we need to successfully navigate the future. 


  • Jowita Michalska

CEO – Digital University

Talk Topic: TBA

Jowita Michalska is a manager with more than 20 years’ experience in business strategy, technology-influenced business models, new consumer and his impact on global economy. Today, Jowita is CEO of Digital University, a foundation dedicated to strategic digital competences development which cooperates with Harvard Business School, Stanford University, MIT and many independent speakers and lecturers. She organizes the biggest and brightest tech conferences in Poland among them Masters and Robots which gatherers more than 1000 c-level managers and 35+ new technology speakers from around the world covering subjects including: artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, robotics, blockchain, IoT, Smart Cities etc. She represents US based educational think-tank Singularity University in Poland which educates, inspires and empowers leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges.

  • Agnieszka Skala

Co-Founder of Innovation Nest Entrepreneurship School (SPIN)

Talk Topic: TBA

Agnieszka Skala, Doctor of Economics (PhD), graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, adjunct lecturer at Warsaw University of Technology, co-founder of Innovation Nest Entrepreneurship School (SPIN). She teaches classes in entrepreneurship at the Warsaw University of Technology and Kozminski University. Her research covers the area of high-tech enterprises and the digital economy. Graduate of the first Lean LaunchPad Educators Program at UC Berkeley. Member of the Startup Poland Advisory Board. Organizer of the first Startup Weekend NEXT in Warsaw. She supports valuable educational initiatives at the meeting point between research, technology and business in Poland.

  • Witold Kowalczyk

CEO & Co-Founder, BOHR

Talk Topic: TBA

Witold Kowalczyk is the co-founder of Bohr Technology Inc., a Canadian-Polish company specialized in quantum optimization algorithms and software. He studied law at the University of Warsaw and also pursued a master’s degree at the University of Paris Pantheon-Assas complemented by various prestigious internships internationally. He graduated summa cum laude in the top 5% of his class and was admitted to a PhD at his alma mater as well as graduate LLM degrees at three top US law schools: NYU, UC Berkeley and University of Chicago (along with the top scholarship available). He is an expert in Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission.

About Digital University

As a Digital University Foundation we are engaged in wide-ranging education in new technologies. We organize conferences, trainings, workshops, lectures and social and educational campaigns. We aim at disseminate knowledge and spread awareness in the field of digital technologies and their impact on businesses and the lives of people as well as to motivate to undertake development activities in this area. Foundation offers a huge dose of knowledge to all enthusiasts of digitization and innovation. We cooperates with world-renowned speakers and outstanding specialists from the world of business and science. We also educate children (including children from an orphanages) organizing for them DigiKids Academy.

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