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Omgkrk Academy #7: Leaders from Kyiv, Warsaw & Berlin

Omgkrk Academy #7: Leaders from Kyiv, Warsaw & Berlin
Typ wydarzenia:
04.07.2018 (środa)
ul. Meiselsa 18

Topic: Ecosystem Summit: Leaders from Kyiv, Warsaw & Berlin

The 8th session of OMGKRK Academy revolves around the theme of sharing knowledge, strengthening partnerships and increasing collaboration among innovation ecosystems in our region. Joining us in Krakow are community leaders from Kyiv, Warsaw and Berlin who will present several of the best examples of tech entrepreneurship in their respective cities, what they and their organizations are working on to advance innovation in their ecosystem along with laying out opportunities for cooperation and exchange in our regional network.

Join #OMGKRK in the projector illuminated event space upstairs in Hevre for this unique event and outstanding networking opportunity.


  • Nataly Veremeeva, CEO - Kyiv IT Cluster

Nataly Veremeeva is a passionate community builder with a background in Sales and Business Development in IT Companies. She runs a club of IT Sales and is working on the exciting project of building KYIV IT Cluster, a platform for growing KYIV IT Ecosystem by creating more opportunities for interaction, communication and cooperation among all market players. The main focus of KYIV IT Cluster is export, education and developing innovative trends. Nataly was recently invited to become the National Expert and a Team Lead for a project of World Trade Organization and Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, whose aim is to create an export strategy for all of Ukrainian IT.

  • Marta Diana Koziarska, CEO of ReaktorWarsaw

ReaktorWarsaw, organization helping startups by leading a coworking space, mentoring sessions and organising monthly OpenReaktor meetings for startup community.

Co-founder of preacceleration programme ReaktorX. Ambassador of Startup Poland.

  • Adam Formanek, ICT Project Manager of LOOKOUT - German & Polish B2B Network, Organizer of Polish Tech Night

Adam leads the International Relations and Business Development of Project 'Lookout' which promotes international cooperation within the IT & ICT Industry between Berlin and Poland.

Polish Tech Night builds a bridge between Polish and Berlin startup ecosystems by inviting Polish startups, the German tech community and investors to meet up in the global startup hub of Berlin.


Hevre (Level 2)

ul. Meiselsa 18

The OMGKRK Academy event cycle is realized with the financial support of Małopolska.

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