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Omgkrk Academy #4: The Great Debate 'Corporations Vs. Startups'

Omgkrk Academy #4: The Great Debate 'Corporations Vs. Startups'
Typ wydarzenia:
17.10.2017 (wtorek)
polski , angielski
Urząd Miasta Krakowa
Pl. Wszystkich Świętych 3-4

In our 4th session, #OMGKRK Academy engages the topic of work and careers in both startups and corporations. Pramod Jain has spent most of his career at Sabre while Mateusz Mucha founded and bootstraped his own startup Omni Calculator. Joining them is Sunny Vashishtha who has been in leadership roles in both a startup (Estimote) and corporation (GE).

Following presenations outlining their career journeys, we will have a DEBATE about the differences and similarites, pros and cons of careers in startups and corporations.

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About #OMGKRK Academy

With the mission of ‘Inspiring Entrepreneurship,’ the #OMGKRK Academy is a regular event cycle that blends TED Talks and Y Combinator Startup School to catalyze stimulate innovative thinking and deliver applicable, real-world knowledge to be used in business.


  • Pramod Jain:

Vice President AirVision – Marketing and Solutions

Management, Sabre Airline Solutions

Pramod's presentation will cover his journey from the world of engineering to the world of airline industry business that took him across the globe from India through USA, Iceland, Austria to where he is today – Kraków, Poland.

Pramoud will try to convince you that IT space is one of the most exciting industries to be a part of – especially, when it comes to airline technology. It is an area that is constantly changing and there is always something new to learn or take part in. This is why Pramod spent a vast majority of his career at @Sabre – while it’s been the same company all along, there has never been a boring day. Technology is always changing and it’s exciting to be a part of an organization that evolves with it.

  • Sunny Vashishtha:

Former Cheif Operations Officer at Estimote, Inc. and Operations Director at GE Healthcare

Sunny's presentation will cover his unique experience of working in leadership positions in both corporations and startups. Sunny will lay out the key future trends for career paths in both the corporate and startup environments.

  • Mateusz Mucha:

Founder of Omni Calculator

Matuesz's presentation will cover how he turned is hobby and passion for numbers into a startup that went from 0 to 1.3 million monthly sessions in just 18 months and is continuing to double its growth every 4 months. Omni Calculator helps people make decisions based on numbers as opposed to emotions or intuition. Mateusz will show you how Omni Calculator looks at analytics data to answer a question: "are we really growing"?

The #OMGKRK Academy event cycle is realized with the financial support of Małopolska.

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