ng-wroclaw #18
- Angular Router - Bartosz Pietrucha (PL / poziom średniozaawansowany)
Routing w systemach webowych to istotny koncept umożliwiający użytkownikom nawigację po aplikacji. Angular Router jest niesamowicie prosty i jednocześnie daje ogromne możliwości twórcom aplikacji Angularowych.
Podczas prelekcji nauczymy się mechaniki Routera oraz poznamy takie funkcjonalności jak lazy-loading oraz pre-loading.
Bartosz Pietrucha jest inżynierem oprogramowania z wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Przez ostatnie kilka lat pracował nad projektami klasy enterprise dla klientów m. in. z Wielkiej Brytanii, Finlandii czy Szwajcarii. Jest założycielem, inicjatywy dostarczającej wysokiej jakości szkolenia z ekosystemu Angular'a na całym świecie. Występował na takich konferencjach jak AngularUP, ngVikings czy FrontendCon.
- Automatic Progressive Web Apps using Angular Service Worker - Maxim Salnikov (EN / poziom średniozaawansowany)
Progressive Web Apps are the next big thing for the web. They combine the advantages of two platforms: searchability and shareability of the web with capabilities and performance of native mobile. As a result, web developers can use their favourite tools to build installable, re-engageable, connectivity independent apps, that can bring native-like performance and user experience. The Angular Service Worker makes it easy to get started building PWA. It’s developed to automate main routines and provide us with some nice tools to control the progressive app behaviour. During this practical session, we'll have a look at NGSW’s main components, and how they take our web app to the next level. With just some simple updates we’ll get installable, offline-capable, mobile-network-friendly Angular app re-engaging users by push-notifications.
Maxim Salnikov is Oslo-based Web UI Engineer, a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a Microsoft MVP in Development Technologies. He develops complex web applications since the end of the last century and has extensive experience with all aspects of web front-end: UX/UI prototyping, HTML/CSS/JS, main frameworks, progressive web apps.
Maxim is a founder and active contributor to two conferences: Mobile Era and ngVikings - Nordics’ main conferences for mobile and Angular developers respectively. Also, he leads Norway’s largest meetups dedicated to web front-end and mobile: Framsia, Angular Oslo, Mobile Meetup Oslo.
Maxim is passionate about sharing his web front-end experience and knowledge with the community. He travels extensively for visiting developers events and speaking/training at conferences and meetups around the world.
- More Reactive - Sambath Kumar Logakrishnan (EN / poziom podstawowy)
Reactive system for event stream based future
Sambath Kumar Logakrishnan - robust, Responsive and Resilient Web application builder. Data and visualization geek worked with Silicon Valley startup companies and people, public speaker, love jazz and doing philosophy way too much.
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