Mobile Warsaw #66
We're happy to announce our November meetup! Come join us for amazing talks, delicious beverages and great networking!
# Krzysztof Siejkowski
iOS developer, coorganizer of Mobile Warsaw. Loves elegant abstractions and well-thought models. He writes poetry in Swift. Literally.
# Matryoshka in Swift: how to handle nested containers with grace
Do you like container types? I mean, the Results, Optionals, Futures, Observables? Would you feel alright if your child married one?
If the answer is yes, then how would you like a container inside a container? And what about a container inside a container inside a container? Or a container inside a container inside a container inside a container? Oh boy, things are quickly getting out of hands!
In this talk I'll show some ideas on how to work with the real-world container nesting and the tradeoffs that are coming along.
# Radek Pietruszewski
Software writer at Nozbe. Senior skeptic. Rocketeer. Proud generalist. Poking the box since 1995.
# WatermelonDB — next-gen React Native database
Watermelon enables a new class of high-performance React and React Native apps. It’s a database framework that scales to tens of thousands of records and remains fast, is fully observable, sync-aware, and enables sharing code between iOS, Android, and web apps.