Meetup #25: 10 years with the cloud by Michał Furmankiewicz
Hej hej! Zapraszamy na 25. już spotkanie grupy Krakow Cloud Native.
Spotykamy się 28. marca o godzinie 18:00, w Spółdzielni „Ogniwo”, Smolki 11a, Kraków.
Michał Furmankiewicz z tematem "10 years with the cloud - the good, the bad and the ugly sprinkled with some GenAI on top"
Cloud Computing right now is one of IT standards.
However, it has been evolving as the offer for the last 10 years and it will change even more.
The speed of change is huge and right now cloud vendors are defining new IT standards, some of which will never happen in the traditional world. The role of people in IT is changing as well, serverless, cloud-native, or low-code apps concepts, all of which will redefine the way we create IT.
The real question for everyone right now is, what will be my role? How will my role change and evolve? What type of skills shall I develop? By sharing good, bad, and ugly stories from the last 10 years I will give you some food for thought. There are no marketing slides, just pure experience from the field and my list of 10 trends for the future of cloud development.
As I have been working with GenAI for the last 18 months, I will add some of those to my story!
O prelegencie:
Experienced professional (with 15+ years in business) working in various roles as a consultant, architect, and team leader. I am keen on problem-solving and business enablement through technology. I've spent the last 10 years working with various Cloud technologies on the market helping customers to understand the broader concept, build solutions, and get the business outcome. I am very goal-oriented and passionate about making things happen including whoever is required to get the job done. Currently, I am focused on making the Microsoft AI platform successful with a special interest in Large Language Models and Azure OpenAI.
Potwierdź swoją obecność i dołącz do nas! Po prezentacji, jak zawsze, zapraszamy na networking przy piwie i pizzy w czasie dyskusji na branżowe tematy.