Meetup #24: The short story of OpenTofu by Pawel Piwosz
Hej hej! Zapraszamy na 23. już spotkanie grupy Krakow Cloud Native.
Spotykamy się 26. lutego o godzinie 18:00, w Spółdzielni „Ogniwo”, Smolki 11a, Kraków.
Paweł Piwosz z tematem "The short story of OpenTofu"
Let me present to you the new player in the town - OpenTofu. During this talk we will explore the background of this project, why it was created, the milestones from first days until today. In practical part of the talk we will check if OpenTofu is really drop-in replacement for Terraform and we will discuss if this is the time to migrate to this project now and what might happen in the future.
O prelegencie:
Paweł - DevOps Institute Ambassador. CD.Foundation Ambassador. AWS Community Builder. Engineer, leader, mentor, speaker. He is Developer Advocate at Spacelift, the sophisticated orchestration platform for Infrastructure as Code. His focus is on CALMS. he is building better understanding of DevOps as driver for the organization. Devoted to Serverless and CI/CD. He authored the framework for design the CI/CD: Host of Last Week In IT and DevOps In Agile Way podcasts.
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