Meetup #17: 12 Factor App in the world of Kubernetes by Marcin Lewandowski
Hej hej! Zapraszamy na 17. już spotkanie grupy Krakow Cloud Native
Spotykamy się 27. kwietnia, o godzinie 18:00, w Artefakt Cafe.
Marcin Lewandowski z tematem: ‘12 Factor App in the world of Kubernetes'
The 12 Factor App is a language-agnostic methodology for building software-as-a-service applications that have been conceived around the year 2010. Over a decade later, in a cloud-native world, it still remains relevant to the development of portable, scalable, and robust applications. In this session, we will look at the 12 Factor App principles and attempt to connect them to the relevant concepts in the containers and Kubernetes ecosystem.
O prelegencie:
Marcin Lewandowski - Senior Software Engineer at IBM. Full stack engineer with experience across Java, React, and Kubernetes. Red Hat Certified System Administrator and Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration. Member of DevOpsDays Krakow and Krakow Cloud Native Group program committees. Linux and open source enthusiast.
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