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Meet.js KRK May

Meet.js KRK May
Typ wydarzenia:
21.05.2020 (czwartek)

The next meet.js is coming!

and what a meet it's gonna be! Great presentations, splendid guests, pizza lottery! In the face of quarantine, we're staying strong and curious and gathering online to share knowledge.

Whether you're senior developer, JavaScript intern, or you're just dabbling with web apps in your free time, this meetup is the best way to grow and spend time with fellow developers.


Mateusz Mółka – Deployment made easy with Vercel

At some point during my first job in the software development industry as a junior frontend engineer I was given a task of creating a simple endpoint with some basic logic. To be honest I was completely petrified. Where do I start? Is it as hard as they (my backend team) say? How am I supposed to deploy it? These were the questions running through my head and I had wished someone had instructed me beforehand with at least a little working example which would be transparent enough for a newbie to understand. Since it becomes more and more common to write server side logic in JavaScript, front-end developers might be asked to write some too. It would be great to have a tool that makes the development and deployment easy and smooth! Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome, VERCEL.

Karol Stępień – Communication issues or how to get on with a remote client

Working with a client or a team from a distant country sounds like an opportunity and a great adventure.

A different culture to explore, interesting acquaintances to make, perhaps also some exotic trips to meet the coworkers in person…

In reality, often it turns out to be not so nice.

In my presentation, I will go through my experiences with different nationalities, share my observations and give some tips for having a healthy relation, without meeting in person. You’ll find out what made me fall in love with working with remote clients.

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