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Meet.js KRK january

Meet.js KRK january
Typ wydarzenia:
31.01.2019 (czwartek)
polski , angielski
IG KnowHow
Kapelanka 42b 5p.
  • 18:00 - 18:30 - registration
  • 18:30 - 18:35 - intro
  • 18:35 - 18:45 - news

  • Rene Pot - Building native apps using Titanium and Alloy


You don't have to learn Objective-C and Java to build apps (nor Kotlin/Swift for that matter), you can use your existing knowledge to build apps with JavaScript using the Titanium SDK and its Alloy MVC framework.

In his talk Rene will very quickly tell you what Titanium is, and from there he'll walk you through a few typical scenarios you might encounter when building apps.


Javascript developer for 10 years, Titanium developer since 2011. I have worked on multiple million+ download apps for both iOS and Android. Starting in 2018 I've joined Axway Appcelerator as a Developer Evangelist for Titanium.

  • Rafał Rumanek - From 160 to 800 MB of RAM usage in 5 minutes. A story of plugging memory leaks.


'Recently your app has slowed down, are you working on a solution?' 'Using X straight for several hours is no longer possible, the panel slows down and it eventually crashes...' Having a well performing app is a crucial part of creating successful product - it might not be a key differentiator among other products, but it might be a reason for your users to leave you. When speaking about performance, we usually tend to focus on how fast we get into interactive mode. What happens then? What if your average user spends hours, days or even weeks without reloading your SPA? I'd like to share a story of how we came to the point we managed to piss off our customers due to having a downgrading performance over time, how we identified our problems, created regression tests checking for memory leaks in different scenarios and, finally, fixed those problems. And also how a random update to 3rd party tool can literally destroy experience of your users :)


Business-driven software engineer with deep passion for frontend working @ Codewise. Event organizer & host for Angular Dragons meetups. Impatient user of the web. Golden retrievers lover. Poor jokes & meme-o-logy Ph. D.

  • Łukasz Dośpiał - Ransition into React via necromancy


A brid's eye view of the our front-end application's architecture, approach that allows to migrate old application to new stack in small steps. No need to freeze development or implement features twice(#microapps)

  • lightning talk:
  • Maricn Panek - A quick overview of asynchronous Iterators and Generators in Javascript


ES9 (or ECMAScript 2018) brought in a lot of new features to the language, some of them being Object Rest/Spread Operators, RegExp Named Capture Groups and Asynchronous Iterators and Generators. During the quick presentation I will dive into the details of the latest and provide some examples of usage.

  • 20:15 - networking

KrakowJSnThursday, January 31 at 6:00 PMnnAgenda: We're p leased to invite all great Front-end developers from Kraków once again.
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