Meet.js KRK April
- 18:00 - 18:30 Registration & Pizza
- 18:30 - 18:45 - intro & news
- 18:45 - 19:30 - Redux-saga or: How I learned to stop worrying and love async [EN] - Mateusz Titz
Redux makes state management much cleaner and easier to control than it used to be in the past. It's also great at separating how our app works from how our app looks like.
The only thing redux doesn't really give us out of the box is how to do async. There are many different solutions available in the ecosystem and it can sometimes be hard to choose one.
In this talk I'll focus on redux-saga and how it's different from redux-thunk (the de facto standard). I will show how redux-saga was used in real life application and how me and my team benefited from using this approach.
Mateusz is a passionate fullstack developer working in Schibsted. He spends his working hours building apps with react and redux, but also plays with nodeJS when needed. Interested in everything JS and react related, browsers and functional programming. An avid drinker of specialty coffee and craft beer.
- 19:35 - 20:05 - Create better websites faster with Gatsby.js [EN] - Adam Romański
If you're in the front-end business for a couple of years now, you probably remember what was it like to create websites using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (with a pinch of jQuery I assume). If you do, you also remember the pains of being front-end developer – handling the complexity of web typography, struggling with image optimization, preparing proper image sizes for various screen resolutions on your own. Imagine how much time did you waste on tasks.
Luckily, the state of front-end development has been greatly improved and with every year we gain more and more tools that help us create better, faster, more performant websites. And one of these tools is Gatsby.js – a modern static site generator based on known and well-liked React. In my presentation i would like to point out core features of this awesome tool, along with some short live-coding!
Adam Romański, known as youtube creator Hello Roman is a creative frontend developer – before he got into IT industry he worked as a copywriter for a couple of years in various advertising agencies. He started his channel hoping that he will manage to help others develop their programming skills and discover fascinating world of frontend technologies.
We are so full of the joys of spring... next Meet.js is coming!
First of all, we are continuously looking for speakers. If you have any ideas for talks, lightning talks or news please contact us at We'll be happy to help you with putting together a great presentation.