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Meet.js Krk March 2017

Meet.js Krk March 2017
Typ wydarzenia:
30.03.2017 (czwartek)
IG KnowHow
Kapelanka 42b 5p.

  • 18:00 - 18:30 - registration
  • 18:30 - 18:35 - intro
  • 18:35 - 18:50 - Bartosz Jakubowiak - ember - the free framework
  • A presentation on how ember.js allows you to build an application with most of the stuff handed out for free.
  • 19:15 - 20:10 - Josh Gavant - How Diagnostics Work in Node.js
Looking to diagnose problems in your Node.js app? This used to mean "console.log" statements throughout your code and command-line step debuggers; but in response to demand for better tools, Node.js has introduced experimental interfaces like Inspector and Trace Controller to serve up more insight into Node.js programs. Better yet, these offer open, documented APIs which tools from simple shell scripts to fancy visual debuggers and trace viewers can build upon. In this session we'll describe these new interfaces and demonstrate how they power many tools for Node, from the simple built-in command-line debugger to Visual Studio Code and Chrome DevTools. Armed with this deeper understanding you'll be able to better utilize existing tools and perhaps even build some of your own.
  • 20:05 - 20:20 - break
  • 20:25 - 20:35 - TBA
  • 20:50 - 21:15 - lightning talks + networks


We're pleased to invite all great Front-end developers from Kraków once again. The event will be held in English, with a possible exception of lightning talks. We'll have 140 seats available for you, of which 5 will be reserved for lightning talk speakers, so if you couldn't get hold of a spot, participate actively and give a lightning talk (can be in Polish, submission deadline: 1 day before the event).

We're also really pleased to announce an incredible speaker, Josh Gavant, who is an architect and Technical Program Manager for the Node.js runtime and diagnostics as part of Microsoft's JavaScript team. Another great presentation will be delivered by Bartosz Jakubowiak, who is a Senior Front-end Developer at IG.

Parking and location: Tesco's parking across the street is free after 6pm and should have many vacant spots. Nearest tram stop is: Kobierzyńska (right across the street). Your ID will be required to enter the building. Please come to the left reception desk, security will have the list of attendees.

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