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Meet.JS Krk April [Online Event]

Meet.JS Krk April [Online Event]
Event type:
23.04.2020 (thursday)

The next meet.js is coming!

and what a meet it's gonna be! Great presentations, splendid guests, pizza lottery! In the face of quarantine, we're staying strong and curious and gathering online to share knowledge.

Whether you're senior developer, JavaScript intern, or you're just dabbling with web apps in your free time, this meetup is the best way to grow and spend time with fellow developers.


Tomasz Osowski – Kiedy designer nie pomyślał o wszystkim, a front endowiec musi zostać projektantem

Bartosz Jakubowiak – Why spending time on developing CI/CD is a good idea?

Working on a project is a constant battle between writing code and sharing your results with the rest of the team whether for testing or reviewing a pull request but also sharing progress with the stakeholders. Every time you need to make an effort deploying your code or running your test suite it makes you less productive and leads to less frequent iterations of your work.

This presentation will outline some of the issues that not using CI/CD can lead to. I’ll show how to create a simple pipeline using few free tools available on the market. I hope that after this presentation everyone will be able to apply the principles I am going to talk about to their everyday’s life which in practice means setting up a proper CI/CD and enhance their development experience.

#docker #freemium #circleci #treescale #github #vps


Tomasz Osowski – Lean UX & Service Designer in Project: People

He helps companies create an excellent user experience while ensuring the profitability of their business. His idea is to create products and services that are needed and bring satisfaction to both customers and business owners.

Certified Coach of Business and Personal Development, Certified Moderator of Design Thinking. Entrepreneur for 6 years and sincerely in love with Lean methodology. He always tries to deliver the product to the market as soon as possible with the smallest capital expenditure.

He has cooperated with companies such as: T-mobile, Ecard, inPost, ING, Nationale Nederlanden, Brainly, Publicis, Netguru. Organizer of DesignWays Conf.


Huge thanks to the sponsor OANDA, who provides online infrastructure for the meetup and pizza deliveries.

Oanda is technology-driven, innovative financial services company helping traders and analysts gain an edge in the global markets. Over the past 23 years, we've grown from a tech startup to a global leading corporation.

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