Masovian AI Fest - Back to School Edition
We will have 3 keynotes (20 mins each). The rest of the evening will be focused on connecting and networking with each other! Guests to be revealed soon.
18:00 - 18:30 Warmup
18:30 Welcome!
18:45 - 20:00 Keynotes
- Katarzyna Klimek - University of Warsaw Incubator
- ???
- ???
20:00 - 22:00 Networking
This time, we're taking a look at commercial AI projects done by businesses, in partnership with academics. Come and learn WHAT can be done and HOW.
Insights, case studies, networking from outside of your bubble.
Is there a point in doing commercial projects with universities being involved?
How to communicate and work with each other to get the stuff done for the market/client?
What strengths and weaknesses should we be aware of?
Come, join us if you're:
- doing AI projects in your organization
- building a startup that may need
- into connecting with folks hyped about technology and science as much as you are!
- or just want to see what we can build together
WHEN: October 17th, 18:00-22:00
WHERE: Location for registered guests
TICKETS: 50PLN (limited seats)
Upon selecting the "Matchmaking" ticket type, and filling out the questions, you will be eligible for the matchmaking. Before the event, you will be presented with approx. 3 other people who should be valuable for you to talk to!
You can opt-out by selecting the "No Matchmaking" ticket type.
By registering, you accept GPDR Terms&Conditions. We will not use any of your data for any other purpose that's not required for the purpose of registration and matchmaking.