KJUG #33 Common mistakes when moving to Microservices, 2 years later
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Talk “Common mistakes when moving to Microservices, 2 years later” by Jakub Nabrdalik
Half of this talk will be a case study of an Architecture Guild — a concept of organizing people around architecture to make hard decisions together. This talk has already been presented in Confitura (2019) and Geecon Prague (2019).
The other half will be the thoughts and conclusions after almost 2 years of having such a Guild in practice. I’ll try to give some hints on what works, what doesn’t, and when. All this battle tested in production.
Solution architect with 17 years of hands-on commercial experience including microservices, azure, java/c#/groovy/kotlin, managing an IT branch and leading teams. Teaching architecture, Domain Driven Design, distributed systems, Test/Behavior Driven Development and Spring for the last 10 years. More than 70 talks, 100 workshops, and a lot of long running systems on production. Ex WJUG, WGUG, Spring Labs leader, in Devoxx PL programme committee responsible for Architecture path.