J/vacon - Warsaw J/va Meetup #4
- 18:00 - 18:15 Rejestracja uczestników
- 18:15 - 18:30 Przywitanie i rozpoczęcie
- 18:30 - 19:10 Prezentacja techniczna nr 1 - Mateusz Chrzonstowski
- 19:10 - 19:50 Passwords - is that you who attack them in my system? - Jacek Milewski
- 19:50 - Pizza Time i Networking
Zapraszamy na wydarzenie J/vacon - Warsaw J/va Meetup #4, które odbędzie się już 11 marca 2020 o godzinie 18:00 w "Przestrzeń from Facebook".
Wydarzenie zrzesza pasjonatów: Java, Scala, JVM, cloud, Kafka Java EE, Spring, Java Cloud Service, architektury aplikacji, aplikacji mobilnych.
Uczestnictwo w spotkaniu jest bezpłatne.
Zapewniamy pizzę dla wszystkich uczestników.
Passwords - is that you who attack them in my system? - Jacek Milewski
A real life story for backend developers about the game of cat and mouse with hackers. They know passwords of my users and they make use of that knowledge. But I know that they know. And where from they know it. Do I know who they are? Yes - I'll show you how.
They also know passwords of your users. And they will come to you. For sure we care a lot about the complex business logic we build. Login endpoints, well, are just a tiny piece of it, however, critical. Do you monitor them? Let me show you how my login endpoints are attacked, so that you are prepared.
I'll show you those attacks - the traffic patterns, paths they used, data they had, how they did it, why they did it and what they achieved. Also what we did with this knowledge and how the culture is important in such moments. I will show you a lot - maybe even too much. In an open manner - exactly how security should be treated in serious systems. We speak too few about security.
+ Mateusz Chrzonstowski
I help achieving better results by creating computer programs and by sharing my knowledge about how to program. I combine an engineering approach with a smile and a business focus.
Software Engineer and IT Trainer focused on front-end and integration technologies, with a relevant full-stack experience. Since 2013 I've been making a living by programming.
I share my knowledge at meetups, job fairs and conferences.
I'm skilled in JavaScript, Java, Arduino and in addition to programming and knowledge sharing, I'm truly interested in AI, technology, Dragon Ball, MMA and the strategies of the big companies (Frightful5).
+Jacek Milewski
I create software with care for clean code, tests and architecture. I have a pragmatic architecture approach and design it to fit business needs. I tend to use automation and measuring. Doing the UX and performant perfect things satisfies me the most. My goal is to be in an environment that drives my personal development.