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IWD 2019 - Safe Meeting #1

IWD 2019 - Safe Meeting #1
Event type:
06.03.2019 (wednesday)
bulwar Kurlandzki
  • 18:00-18:10 Welcome
  • 18:10-18:40 Joanna Świątkowska (AGH, CYBERSEC European Cybersecurity Forum, Kościuszki Insitiute) - Women in IT Security
  • 18:40-19:10 Robert Siudak (Kościuszki Institute) - Why not let yourself be hacked?
  • 19:10-19:20 Break
  • 19:20-20:20 Jakub Mrugalski (Niebezpiecznik.pl) - How we stole PLN 13 million from Polish companies - case study

1. Joanna Świątkowska (AGH, CYBERSEC European Cybersecurity Forum, Kościuszki Insitiute) - Women in IT Security

Lecturer, Programme Director and cybersecurity expert. Co-worker of the Center for Cybersecurity and International Relations Studies research team at the University of Florence. Former member (2016-2017) of the Polish Cyberspace Security Team operating within the National Security Bureau. Former editor-in-chief of the European Cybersecurity Journal (2015-2018).

Author of numerous publications, reports, analyses and expert comments in the field of security, especially information fight, cybersecurity. She has initiated, implemented and participated in many national and international projects devoted to this subject. She conducts didactic activities related to the area of cyber security. In 2016, she was selected to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program - Cybersecurity and Government Interoperability (organized by the US Department of State). In 2017 it was entered on the prestigious list of New Europe 100 Challengers 2017 prepared by the Financial Times Res Publica, Google and the International Visegrad Fund.

2. Robert Siudak (Kościuszki Institute) - Why not let yourself be hacked?

What do the American presidential election and the supply of chicken wings to your fast-food have in common? As recent years have shown, in both cases hackers can influence them using not only technology but also the human factor.

3. Jakub Mrugalski (Niebezpiecznik.pl) - How we stole PLN 13 million from Polish companies - case study

Sociotechnical attacks are very different from classical computer intrusions, and unfortunately more and more often they concern Polish companies. When people are the target of attacks, you never know how they will react. Employees have to be ready for everything and make quick decisions. There is no time for victims to consult on security policies, and only common sense can help them. Unfortunately, in stress and fatigue, not everything works as it should....

The event is free of charge, but it is necessary to collect a ticket.

NOTE: In case of ticket collection and resignation from participation in the event, please contact us.

The meeting will be held in Polish.


Do you want to be safe online? Find out how not to be hacked? Get to know interesting stories of cyber attacks?

Women Techmakers and Women in Technology invite you to the first meeting of the Safe Meetings series, which will introduce us to a wide range of IT Security issues. We invite everyone interested - both experienced and interested in this subject.

At the next meeting we will listen about the incidents of cybercriminals, which were not without echoes. We will also celebrate International Women's Day :)

The event is free of charge, but it is necessary to sign up on meetup.com.

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